Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 100!!!!

Thursday, May 2

What what!

I can't believe I've made it to 100 days! That's crazy. When I started this thing, I knew I would keep pushing myself, but even I am surprised that 100 days have come.

I have been pleased that I branched out from Power Yoga—Stamina to Yoga Burn, but I need to be doing more and I need to get control of my appetite. It is time to fit into smaller clothes. Summer is always the hardest time because the food is better (ice creams, drinks, etc.) and the clothes are much skimpier. People want to show off their amazing bodies. All I want to do is hide mine.

It's really a shame. If I were in better shape, I would feel comfortable meeting more people and I think I would be more fulfilled. I know that my weight should not be an obstacle to meeting others and doing great things, but, for me, it is!

I want to be in a place where I am comfortable sharing my body. Since I've started this thing, I dropped about 20 pounds, but then I gained a whole bunch and now I'm about 10-13 pounds down from where I started.

That's a good accomplishment and all, but when you have 100 pounds to lose, it is hard to celebrate it.

And yet, this is the 100th day I've stuck with something. That is HUGE! (bigger than me)

I am proud of myself and hopefully this will help reinvigorate me and help me move forward. 

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