Saturday, December 29, 2012

365 Days To A Fat Juicy Reward

All right, I'm tired. Literally *all* the time. No, I'm not sick. I don't have mono. I'm just obese.

When I was little, I used to think the term was "a beast. It is not surprising that when I was told I was obese in 5th grade, I was understandably upset. A beast? I'm not a beast.

But in some ways, I was. And still am. Oddly, I did my spend my whole life as a beast. When I was born, I was unbeastlike. And for a short period I 8 years, what I like to think of as my glory years, I was not a beast. In fact, I was a well-oiled (not literally), energetic, and affable teen.

But then then I became a beast again and that is where I am today! Today, I remain a beast of epic proportions but new to do something about it.

So here Is what I propose. I will put away enough money to get my hands on an iPad mini. This will serve as my motivation to accomplish this year's New Years resolutions. I have never been good at finishing what I've started but this year I want to be held accountable. If, and only if, in achieve my goals, will I be eligible to purchase this present for myself.

To further keep myself accountable, I will track my progress here as I move towards my goals.

So, without further ado:

I will workout (in some capacity) for 320 days this year. I will also blog about it for 340 days.

I will complete 60 days of yoga.
I will complete 30 days of swimming.
I will be able to do 3 consecutive pull-ups
I will be able to do 50 consequence push-ups

I will pursue these goals independent of any weightless that I achieve. While losing weight would be fantastic, I have decided that, for me, completing a solid exercise plan will help me align all of my other goals.

Announcing these goals and sharing them publicly is a huge step for me. The reason I am doing it is because I want accountability and to finally improve myself beyond the simple platitudes of words. So get ready for some posts about my progress. Any encouragement you wish to provide will be appreciated.

Good luck with any goals you may undertake this year!

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