Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1: A New Beginning

As with. All beginnings, the new beginning is me filed with excitement and joy. As I reel from the events of last night, I look upon today as a chance to begin again and make some changes to myself. This year, is the year of working out. Te year of finally getting a grip on some workout scheme so that I will be prepared to join the world of productive adults feeling good about myself, about my body, and about the perception I give to others.

So today, I start the long hike towards my workout mountain and I make a commitment to you, y blog community, to detail these trials in such mundane detail that you will be turned off from reading here. And alas, I make this commitment to spice up my life and see what it Is like.

With grand romantic visions of a blogging journey like that of From Julie To Julia, I get ready to make some self realizations and struggle to put those into words.

Here are some predictions or the time ahead.

If successful, you will hear me say things like. "Wow, I have so much more energy" and "gosh, nothing tastes as good as thin feels." Both are true statements that I hope I get to share.

Also, I predict you will hear a lot of, "ugh, this is so much harder than I thought it ez." Or "Ah, I just don't have time to continually work out."

And yet, I am highly motivated to keep this goal; not only for the tangible rewards it is sure to bring (a new iPad mini), but also because of the wellness and emotional heights that I will surely reach.

My biggest worry is that talk is cheap. Regardless, you will find out just how cheap I am through this process.

Now, while I can't work out just now—still at my New Years Location—I anticipate a bit of Rodney Yee Yoga later this evening that I am sure I will fail to accomplish. I may also throw in some jumping jacks (probably 50), and maybe some push ups!

To all of you starting your New Year's resolutions, Good Luck!

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