Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 25-32 (of 110): Diversionary Tactics

GIt's been a a week since my last post. Te clock kicks indefatigably ticking towards the big day. We're kow at only 72 days away. 

Please don't think I've fallen off the wagon. Instead, I've been outside of Internet for the past week. I took a trip far far away from my home town. 

I have to say, it is incredibly hard to do the right thing while on vacation. Moreover, there are simply not that many good options when you are traveling abroad. I've come to expect a certain level of access to fresh produce to make my pan-seared and ateamed vegetables. While traveling through countless airports, however, I can honestly say that having fresh, vegetable-based (but not oil-coated) choices is incredibly hard to find. 

I've mostly subsisted off of airportsalad a. To say the least, I've been hungry for the Better part of the week because I've yet to find satisfying vegetable experience.

With that said, I have tried extremely hard to find the right choices but I've made to big mistakes. First I had cheese on my enchilada and I had two granola bars. 

I know in going to be paying for those mistakes when I start getting the cravings back and when I have to go through patrols detox. I'm hoping, however, that the very small amounts will help me stay straight and true to my style of eating! 

Exercise has also been few and far between. I have a significant number of push-ups to make up. And it's time to make some huge dents in the yoga doin department. 

All in all, however, I think I am invigorated and ready to start my journey towards better health over the next 78 days. 

Thanks for listening!

- The Fat Man 

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