Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 77: Half Yoga

Ugh never attempt yoga on the fullest stomach possible! It is very difficult. 'Nuff said.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 76: Not even a registered miss

I did not realize, even a little, that I missed. My body seemed like a well-oiled machine when doing my yoga. With that said, I know I need to be doing better in the future. I will not miss a day this week! That is my vow!

Inadvertant Miss

I just got so caught up in being social that I forgot, completely to yoga. It was not a choice really, it just happened.

With that said, I did it Saturday, so that should, in a way, make up for it!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 75: Late But Not Least

I was watching the game and so didn't get a chance to get my workout in until about 12. With that said, I still count it for Thursday because I did not yet go to sleep. I will say it kicked my ass and I'm feeling some crazy light-headedness, mainly because I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

I will update this tomorrow with something worthy of your attention.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 74: snuck a peak

I did it today but right at the wire! I had to lose sleep to get it done but hopefully it was worth it. More on this tomorrow!


Obesity sucks. I checked the scale this morning and learned I gained 10 pounds! In one week! What the heck? I know I made some bad decisions but not this bad. 2 medium 2 topping dominos pizzas should not do this but they did.

I recently learned that obesity is a disease! Which sounds stupid. I'm not suffering—other than from an inability to stop eating, move quickly, or look like a normal person. And yet, that seems to make sense! I can't express just how frustrated I am that I've gained so much weight in such a short time, especially when it's taken me so long to lose the weight in the first place!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 73: Seriously Seeking Sustainability

For real, today I hit this like I was serious. I clenched every muscle the whole time and I was like, nah - you ain't got nothing on me. And at the same time, I was like, hit this, man, you gotta hit this. And I did. I hit it hard. Which is why, at the end of the day, I am proud that while today marks 4 of 4, it also marks the first day where I took this seriously.

I'm tired of being fat. I've been tired of it for the last 12 years and that has not stopped me. But the last time I made serious weight loss a priority, I used some pictures of me as a motivator. Yesterday, I saw some pictures of me and they sure as hell motivated, except it was a video. Seeing my rolls of fat roll in the daylight was like seeing a bartender up close in the day light. It's usually seriously scary! 

Without being overly clichéd, it was straight up like this:

It was beyond embarrassing. Especially because I started to think about having to share that all day every day with every single person. They are subjected to my body every day. And while they don't have to stare at it, they also probably don't appreciate seeing it. I mean, its nice to look at people who areattractive. We often actively avoid the people who are not. It's actually kind of funny; I'm the worst critic of everyone else. In fact, when I see an obese person hanging around I judge them hard. But now, I worry that I'm the obese person and why wouldn't everyone judge me. So, I need to do something about this.

I know that being comfortable in your own body is part of being happy and content and yet, why not strive to be the most attractive person that i can be. Why not get and stay in great shape. So that I can live my life unburdened. 

Well day four of my recommitment is going strong and I hope to be able to continue working hard.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 72: Eating the Hole Pie

I am disappointed to report that I made another bad life decision today. I wanted to fill the hole I felt in my stomach. No, I did not write hole when I meant whole, I am referring to eating a whole pizza, but one that only covers up the hole in my heart and soul. I am a flawed individual and I decided I wanted to know what it was like to be full. I blame this solely on advertising from watching too much College basketball.

Advertisers, your ads are working—I'm getting hungry and for the cheap, nasty, and processed junk you produce. To that end, I ordered Domino's 2 medium 2-topping pizzas for myself today and proceeded to eat both of them! It was so much food that I had to lie over on my side (like Jabba the Hut) just to be able to accomodate the food source. It was a disgusting display. By the end all the salt and spices made it taste terrible. I was disgusted with myself, I felt like crap, and I have to say it was NOT worth it!

So, I made a bad decision. Luckily, I also did my yoga so that it was not a total loss. Also, I realized that I have not been adequately bearing my soul here in this forum. But I promise to do more of that in the coming weeks.

I start being stronger. I recommitted 3 days ago and I will continue to commit. Especially, because I was forced to see a video recording of myself for work today and I DID NOT like what I saw. Speaking of Jabba the Hut, wow am I fat. Like every fat person ever, I really thought i was hiding it with a nice baggy shirt and loose clothing, but DAMN! You fat. I fat.

So, I am going to again push hard. No more bad pizza-related mistakes, no more agonizing over doing my yoga, I will do it and I will do it right so I break a sweat. I will push through this, lose weight, feel better about myself and make it to may!

I am will be in the best shape of the last two years by may!

Here I come, world!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 71: I did it

Day 2 of the refocus was predictably slow but it happened. Most importantly, I'm establishing a rhythm and building my fitness levels back up. It's amazing to me that after such a short time of making bad decisions and not doing it to my best levels that my form can be so compromised. Regardless, I look forward to continuing to push forward and get better.

To another day, another productive week!

Happy Fitness trails to you!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 70: Struggling but moving

Okay, first day of my refocus session and I was up an at the yoga right away. My wrist is still not 100% so pushups and downward facing dog is difficult. Regardless, I pushed through and managed to my first full, and good yoga session in. But, to be honest, I was tired, winded, and struggled.

Either way, I'm happy that I'm back on track towards getting fit for May!

I only have a month and a half, but I want to make sure that I am ready to keep pushing forward!

Okay, back to work, but maybe I'll get in a second workout today!

Good luck to you in refocusing if that's something you needed.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 69: One more try

Okay, I'm really refocusing today. I am a little upset that I'm only at Day 69, because it means that I have not done a good job of getting it together.

Of the 81 days that have past, I have only accomplished 69 days - thus I have already missed 12 days. This is not terrible, considering for my movement goal I've made. I only have to do 320 days of the year. Meaning that I can miss a full 45. I still have quite a ways to go to hit that, but I also want to make sure that I have not missed too many too early. We're only 81 days into this ting.

With that said, I want to refocus. I have missed far too many days, an average of one per week. Thus, for the next month, I don't want to miss a SINGLE day. So from today until April 22, I will not miss another day!

The yoga I did today was a pathetic display. It was done in about 12 minutes because I was late for a date, but I am sure that I can pull it back in and get my self in gear.

It's time to refocus, reformat, and recommit!

I hope you're goals are going well too. What struggles have you had? Have you found you've had big periods of failure?

Let me know!

By try again tomorrow, I mean fail again tomorrow.

So, yeah, that did not happen. Instead it was fail for two days.

Ugh, I suck.

Day 68: If I do better I might be able to hold on.

Wed. Mary 20.

I'm embarrassed to say that I have not done yoga for the last two days. I hurt my wrist last week and have been reluctant to put too much pressure on my wrist since then. But even with that excuse, I have just been making destructive decisions and have not been motivated to improve myself. Thus, despite the relatively easy schedule, I have not done yoga.

With that said, I cranked one out today. But it was lazy. Lazy with poor form.

I will try again tomorrow.

Day 67: Coming off of a missed day.

My goal has always been to make sure that I don't miss more than one day a week. Over the last week or so, I missed a number of days in a row because I was constantly traveling. Unfortunately, I fear that I have once again missed a day. I just don't have the motivation. I have been constantly moving and not enough resting, so I took yesterday (Saturday the 16th) off to rest. When coming back today, I was impressed that yoga was again harder than I had anticipated, I got my heart rate up and started to sweat earlier than I had been doing.

Even though it wasn't the best, I hope that I can start incorporating more action into my overall movements. In effect, I hope that I will be able to add something else to my yoga, like a cardio routine!

Note to readers

Hello my friends.

I am so sorry that I have been absent as of late. As you now know, if you've been following my posts, I have had a life-changing event and consequently, I have been less than productive as of late. To make up for my wins in life, I stopped doing what I need to be doing. I began eating more and moving less. I took a number of days off and it has been bad. I will go back now and follow through with all of my posts, but I fear that I may have already missed my goal of posting for 340 days out of the year. However, even with that said, I will continue to strive towards it, because it is a mindset that I am moving towards.

In essence, I want to apologize for checking out for the lsat week or so. I was celebrating and have been doing some destructive activities which have made me lazier and consequently moved me father from my goals. But now I am refocusing, recommitting, and have set some new short-term goals to keep me motivated towards achieving this long-term goal. Namely, I want to be in the fittest shape possible by May 14th. I am taking a trip abroad to celebrate my life events and want to ensure that I am in peek physical condition.

Despite being unrealistic, I will aim to miss less than 3 days in the 2 months. I will try to work tirelessly so that I can accomplish my goals and really feel good about the progress that I will make!

So, please accept my apology for not updated and falling behind. Although I have stumbled, I will not fail, I will push forward with the confidence to become better, stronger, and more well rounded!

Thank you for bearing with me!

Day 66: Celebration Yoga

I'm still celebrating and am so proud of myself for having gotten this yoga out of the way. I put my mind to something and everything began to fall into place. I can't say much about the yoga in particular other than I started to do it much quicker and consequently lazier. I know I have to pick up the pace if I want to meet my overall goals for the year. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 65: the big day

This is it. The day I've been working towards for months. Now that it is here, I'm not as pleased with my progress as j would like. I still feel excessively large and cannot wait until I've shed even more pounds! Either way, today is here and in just a few hours, my life may be drastically different!

Edit: It is and was.  I did it, my life is drastically different for the better. I managed to do my yoga and it felt great, even better because of the life-changing events of the day!

Day 64: Free For All

Yeah I did it. I was able to push through and I'm now on a three day run! Having successfully mastered the yoga. I noticed that because my appetite had been different lately, it has negatively affected my yoga prowess!

Regardless, I'm rockin' the suburbs and its going well! I'll keep moving forward!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 63: Tuesday Surprise

Another goal bites the dust.

Not only did I get a yoga session in but I managed to complete a long-term goal. I got a new job yesterday which was why this week was so exciting. In fact, this was just one of the major hopes I had for this week. As I continue to prepare for this exciting vacation week, I will try to continue to do my yoga so that I am mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared for everything that is happening!

Day 62: Monday Madness

Monday marked the first day of my vacation and I spent it driving back to the east coast. 14 hours later I arrived. I was still severely sleep deprived, and arrived over-caffeineited, but I still managed to sneak in a yoga session to make sure I would not be dropping the ball again, any time soon.

Suffice it to say, that this is too big of a week to be off my game.

Sunday Fail

Sunday was the last day of the competition, and so I woke up with barely any sleep, competing in the semi-finals, advanced to the finals, and then we ended up losing in the finals. But getting just 7.3 hours of sleep for two days was wreaking havoc on my body and my motivation. Anyway, I got home and could have done yoga, but I was so tired I just passed out.

Sunday Fail.I like to think that Sunday was not in the same week as Friday, so despite having more days than usual last week, I plan to get back into the flow for thenext week. It's necessary because next week is the big week I've been talking about. Next week is when everything happens!

Day 61: Saturday Miracle

I still had no time on Saturday, but managed to sneak away from my team-mates, and have the hotel to myself for a good 20 minutes.

While there, I managed to power through a quick yoga session, raise my heart rate, and rack a win for the weekend. I would have been upset if I went more than two days in a row without doing it, so I'm glad I was able to get the yoga done!

Friday Fail

I celebrated completing my yoga goal, by heading to a competition out of town. This meant that I had absolutely no time to do yoga. Which is a shame because it was the day after finally completing my goal.

Regardless, I was moving constantly throughout the day as I entered the difficult challenge of competing against my peers.

Oh, well.

Day 60: Celebrate Good Times C'Mon

So, it's been a helluva week, I know I mentioned that I was trying to be so consistent for the period in March, that period is here and so I have been constantly fighting towards this goal. That all started on Thursday!

Day 60 arrived and I was successful. I woke up at 6, did my yoga, and then went for a really important day! I made it to the office, had a practical evaluation, which I aced, and then onto preparing for my other obligations!

It was nice to get into a sort of rythym but I feel like because I have been so unbelievably busy, I have not done quite as much blogging as I would have liked, so I am making up for it now!

Onto the next round of goals!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 59: Poetic Justice

The day after an off day is always good. My body's all like, "how come you no good at yoga no mo'?" And I'm like, "No good, watch this!" At which point my body just laughs.

It's cool. That was hard but good. I got some muscles involved, I moved some fatty roles around, I scared my neighbors looking through the window. And yet, if I had yoga yesterday, tomorrow wouldn't have been as big of a day! Instead, tomorrow is. Not just because I have so many important events tomorrow, but also because tomorrow is Day 60. The official end of my yoga goal. What up Goal Completed? Wanna partay?

60 tomorrow here I come!

Yeah, we all saw this coming

So, yeah, I didn't get around to yoga yesterday.

I'm extremely sad, because yesterday I really meant to, and just didn't I failed to keep my streak going.

That's okay. That's why there is always a tomorrow!

Today then!

Day 58: Still going STrong

Haha. Take that Monday!

I will admit that my yoga was not as great as I hoped it would be, considering that I was extremely full when I decided to do yoga.

I don't know what it is, but I began craving bread products hard! This is a problem. It probably means that I ate something bread related and it is reasserting its dominance over my digestive options. This is particularly problematic considering that I tend to overeat when I eat bread related products.

Anyway, I was soo full when doing yoga that I almost lost it on the bow-pose. And yet, I did it again.

Take that Monday!

Day 57: In the longest time

I am content. I managed to ensure that I did my yoga every single day of this week, without missing a day, not even the weekend. I know that by the time I add that all up it will be a significant amount of time. It seems fairly clear that the impressive thing about any activity is that if you just do it consistently in small doses, you eventually get significant benefits.

I am proud that I made it through this entire week unscathed. I am concerned for next week because I will begin embarking on a journey of intense work and focus building up to the important part of March that I talked about previously. I have gotten to March and it is an important month.

And for once, instead of focusing on what I have yet to do, I will look forward and be proud of what I have accomplished thus far. I have made it to the end of a trying month and in just two weeks, my life could be radically different. This is both exciting and scary, but I know that at least I can get through a whole week of yoga without dying!

Day 56: Weekly Update

So, we made it through another week. Surprisingly, I am very close to reaching my goal of sixty days of yoga. Can you believe it?

For some reason, I thought I would be more excited to reach this place, but I am just sad that I have yet to see significant changes. I wanted to strong, flexible, and have significant stamina by this point. I'm embarrassed to say that as of now, all I have is a slightly more limber frame.

And yet, I feel like I've finally started moving in the direction of having an established exercise plan in place by the end of the decade. I'm not sure if I have clearly referenced this point for you, but it became clear that something I have been very keen to have is an established fitness regime. Knowing that I will never have enough time to work out or be motivated enough to go every day, I needed to find a way to keep moving every single day. Especially when I am tired, full, or sick.

Yoga is that solution. It is an activity I can do and it always makes me feel better. It provides peace of mind, strength of conviction, and the ability to commune with myself at least once a day.

So, as I start again on this next week, I will look forward to completing my goal of yoga and trying to incorporate a new activity. I hope you too will have luck as you push forward towards your own goals.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 55: Rejuvinative Properties

So, I had a very late night on Thursday, to the point where I lost significant amounts of sleep and still had to get up early for work on Friday. I even stopped so low as to drink coffee to help revive my inner drive. And yet by 5 I was exhausted but I had significant plans for that evening. Because I was away from my home Thursday night, I felt compelled to do yoga.

So, I went through the routine ready to slog through it. To my surprise, when I finished it was far better than any coffee cup, it provided me with significant amounts of energy so that I felt completely rejuvenated. So much so that I was completely awake for the rest of the evenings plans.

Lesson learned: hung over, tired, or just feeling bleh, do yoga to recover!