Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 72: Eating the Hole Pie

I am disappointed to report that I made another bad life decision today. I wanted to fill the hole I felt in my stomach. No, I did not write hole when I meant whole, I am referring to eating a whole pizza, but one that only covers up the hole in my heart and soul. I am a flawed individual and I decided I wanted to know what it was like to be full. I blame this solely on advertising from watching too much College basketball.

Advertisers, your ads are working—I'm getting hungry and for the cheap, nasty, and processed junk you produce. To that end, I ordered Domino's 2 medium 2-topping pizzas for myself today and proceeded to eat both of them! It was so much food that I had to lie over on my side (like Jabba the Hut) just to be able to accomodate the food source. It was a disgusting display. By the end all the salt and spices made it taste terrible. I was disgusted with myself, I felt like crap, and I have to say it was NOT worth it!

So, I made a bad decision. Luckily, I also did my yoga so that it was not a total loss. Also, I realized that I have not been adequately bearing my soul here in this forum. But I promise to do more of that in the coming weeks.

I start being stronger. I recommitted 3 days ago and I will continue to commit. Especially, because I was forced to see a video recording of myself for work today and I DID NOT like what I saw. Speaking of Jabba the Hut, wow am I fat. Like every fat person ever, I really thought i was hiding it with a nice baggy shirt and loose clothing, but DAMN! You fat. I fat.

So, I am going to again push hard. No more bad pizza-related mistakes, no more agonizing over doing my yoga, I will do it and I will do it right so I break a sweat. I will push through this, lose weight, feel better about myself and make it to may!

I am will be in the best shape of the last two years by may!

Here I come, world!

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