Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 74: snuck a peak

I did it today but right at the wire! I had to lose sleep to get it done but hopefully it was worth it. More on this tomorrow!


Obesity sucks. I checked the scale this morning and learned I gained 10 pounds! In one week! What the heck? I know I made some bad decisions but not this bad. 2 medium 2 topping dominos pizzas should not do this but they did.

I recently learned that obesity is a disease! Which sounds stupid. I'm not suffering—other than from an inability to stop eating, move quickly, or look like a normal person. And yet, that seems to make sense! I can't express just how frustrated I am that I've gained so much weight in such a short time, especially when it's taken me so long to lose the weight in the first place!

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