Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 112: Easy as Yoga

I'm pretty pleased that my body did not just give up on me. The yoga has not been that taxing despite taking two weeks off. In fact, my body remembers all the moves and I find myself easing back into them. Of course, my flexibility has gone to pot and I'm still worried about my lower back. Everytime I bend over to do a forward bend, I worry that I might injure it more or that I've done some permanent damage. Despite that, yoga makes me feel amazing, so I'm going to keep pushing through.

Another update, I'm on day three of the hundred pushup challenge. I am reluctant to admit that I can now do 12 pushups in a row! Haha, the way the system works is to make you do a series of pushups in smaller increments. So, my max was 12, but in reality in the one session (day 3 for example) I did 44 pushups overall. So, it pushes you forward and helps build your strength by making you do more and more pushups per set, but also by increasing the number of reps in each individual set. Next week, I'll build up to doing 50 pushups in one set. Then eventually you build up the 100 in the set, while doing more reps (25–50) per set. Then, and I've never made it this far, some magic happens and you can just do 100 pushups in one sitting.

I'd be more than happy if I can do 50 pushups in one sitting. My goal is to be able to do 50 pushups when I wake up and when I go to bed. This way I can start and finish the day with some strength exercises.

All right, off to fight the good fight.

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