Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 121: Ups ide Down

Running today went great. I'm embarrassed to say that there is nothing worse than doing 20 minutes on the eliptical and just wishing it would stop! Today, however, I was rocking, I got to 20 minutes and then ramped up my pace, basically sprinting for the next 7 minutes!

The worst part about the gym, though, is all the fit people. There should be a gym for fat people where they won't be judged. And yes, there is Planet Fitness with its claim that this is the judge-free zone, but come on. There is no such thing. Any time a fit person sees a fat person they die inside a little bit.

Well, the gym I've been frequenting for my new cardio routine has a tremendous number of fit people. The worst kind of fit people are high schoolers or post high-schoolers. They have these highly sculpted bodies and are like, "yeah, I play sports, and I do things that others can only dream about" And they look at you like, "ew, like, if I were you, I'd just die." I just want to tell them, wait a few years sweetheart, just wait until everything in your life is going poorly and look at your body and see if it is still in shape!

It might be. Some people have incredible control and keep their bodies in shape their whole lives. But for the rest of us, just screw you stupid high school jocks! There I said it. And not for the first time. The truth is, once you've been fat it is biologically easier for your body to gain the weight back. We are at a metabolic disadvantage to people who've never gained a lot of weight!

Regardless, I had some downs today as well. I am struggling with this third week of the push up challenge. My task today was to do 12, 17, 13, 13, 17. Wow, I got through 12 and 17 fine. But on the first 13, I was wiped! Then by the second 13, I only made it to 12 before my arms collapsed. I didn't even get near doing 17! Ohmegerhd. So, I waited all day and then attempted it again. I made sure to do slightly more shallow pushups and got all the way through the last 13, before I hit some real problems. By 17, I was taking each pushup one at a time.

I just hope I can keep up this pace. I might have to do week three for a few weeks to ensure that I can build enough muscle mass to keep going. I mean, c'mon, I'm a huge guy. The fact that I can do ANY pushups is amazing. The fact that I couldn't do 72 today does not seem like that much of a surprise. I would like it if I could manage to get a few more done, but I do understand.

I'll report in tomorrow and tell you how the repeat of the set goes. Right now I can barely lift my arms. Haha. Who knew.

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