Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 115: Strength!

This is not my first time being a fat man and putting myself through trials. In fact, weight loss, and sustained weight loss at that, is a journey.

Well wind the clocks back to 2009 and I set out and joined the Fat Club (the first rule of fat club is you shall not talk about fat club), well it disbanded and so I feel okay about it. Anyway, I lost 30 lbs in fat club. Today I was looking at the photos and in a three month period, I literally transformed. The most apparent thing to me was the size of my triceps. My arms got skinnier and skinnier over the photos, but my triceps actually looked real!

I realize now that it was because of the 100 Pushup Challenge. That was the one point in my life, where I was able to do 50 pushups at once. But more than that, I was doing them on a consistent basis and so my triceps were huge!

It was really motivating to look at those photos. At the same time, when I compared them against pictures I took today (I'm starting fat club 2), I was much thinner than I could ever hope to be. I did read that when you lose a massive amount of weight, your body goes into a mode where it wants to get you back to your normal (which at this point is a fatass). So it actually makes you crave bad foods and slows down your metabolism! Your body is fighting against you. That's part of the reason why it is not uncommon for those who've lose weight to gain it all back and THEN SOME.

My goal, however, is to hit a lower weight and keep myself at it for a year or two. I figure if I can do that, then I can help reset my body's internal sense of what the proper weight is and get myself back into a normal body size.

We all deserve it. I will keep fighting.

In fact, last night I struggled to complete my last reps of my pushups. So I got up, took a break and finished them. Then this morning I got up and did the whole set, without a problem! It's amazing how fast you can see muscle growth.

Here's to strength and changes!

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