Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My apologies

Hello friends. I apologize for my delayed hiatus. I had to take a trip for work and I've been so swamped with work that I have neither worked out nor blogged about it. I have, however, done some workouts that I have not listed here. 

For the sake of preventing more terrible posts, I will list all of my missed days in one long post.

Moreover, I am making a firm commitment to get back in the game. After I tally up how much time I missed, I will be able to see just how close or far I  to completing my goal. In fact, I will be able to see if I can still make it. Regardless of the answer, I will continue pressing on for the rest of the year despite my half-month failure.

I figure it is better to get back on the horse and attempt to keep working at y issues, rather than to give up entirely.

I will say that I have started the one hundred push-up challenge to see if I can get back to the point where I can legitimately so 100 push-ups. Tomorrow will be day 3 of the program but supposedly in 6 weeks I will be able to do 100. While I am skeptical, my last experience with the program taught me that I can reasonably expect to get up to about 50 in about 2 months. The reason is that there are some weeks that you just cannot complete, so you need to go back and redo that entire week! 

I know most people like to work out in the winter to get a "beach" body by the summer, but since I've failed in that endeavor, I will push forward and start work now for a normal-size body.

Today was interesting because I finally did some yoga. It was amazing how much lactic acid buildup I had.
I could just feel the yoga helping to release the acid from all my "muscles" (read: flabby parts). 

Anyway, I'm back on track ad ready to see these goals through until the end of the year. And hey, if I get into shape while I'm at, so be it!

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