Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 1 (of 110): Three Trials

Day 1

Two Hundred Fifty Three Point Eight Pounds.  253.8 lbs.

I definitely have my work cut out for me. I start out day one weighing 258.3 pounds. That’s still twenty pounds less than my maximum weight but significantly heavier than my ideal weight. According to BMI tables I should weigh in at 175 lbs. I have not been that weight for at least ten years.

I think my ideal weight would be around two hundred pounds! For the purposes of this 110 day journey, I would like to lost 25 pounds to start coming in at 228.8 by June 27.

Now before launching into a recitation of how Day 1 went, I feel it is important to know that talk is cheap. Day 1 is always going to be the easiest. It is the time that we are most motivated to keep going. And yet, I hope by keeping myself accountable here—by forcing myself to put out my failings here—that I will stay on track towards my goal. 

Trial 1: Dr. Furhlman highlights for the day
  • Dr. Furhlman advocates a six-week plan. He says, "Get ready for the most exciting six weeks of your adult life. If you follow my program precisely for the next six weeks, your body will undergo a remarkable transformation and you will be witness to its miraculous self-healing ability."
The six-week plan calls for strict adherence that will bring about a "biochemical and phsyiological makeover" that also promises to get rid of headaches and food cravings: two of a dieter's worst enemies.

But: probiotics. Getting my digestive tract back in order. Come on bacteria - swim damn you, swim!

 For now it's a fruit smoothie for breakfast—they really are delicious! I followed this up with a salad for lunch. Now I did have some mild cravings today. Nothing as bad as Penne alla Vodka Pizza or Noodle Pudding and Chocolate milk, but I craved some diet coke. Still reeling from the daylight savings switch, I needed a pick me up. Now I know that even diet sodas are terrible for you. They actually promote weight gain by tricking your taste buds into thinking you're drinking something sugary and your body reacts in much the same way it would to sugar. Additionally, diet sodas increase appetite leading to more foods. So I read over my mantra from yesterday about cravings and still went ahead a got a giant diet coke. For the purposes of day 1, however, I felt that it was okay. I am easing in after all.

 Trial 2: Ow

I can still firmly remember the joy and power I felt after completing week four of the 100 pushup challenge. The basic goal of the challenge is to set out incremental workouts to push your body into being able to complete 100 pushups in one go. Day 1 sucked. I hate pushups. I am fat, it is difficult to get my body to move off the floor in a rhytmic motion. The companion app has a button that reminds you of good form pushups. My pushups look like jello in an eathquake, my whole body shakes, and I'm pretty sure my neighbors think an earthquake is happening.

But, in the an attempt to be completely transparent Day 1 consisted of me doing four sets of 5 pushups followed by a max-out set where I had to do at least 4 (I did four). So I did 24 pushups. Well see what Wednesday holds.

I'm still surprised that at one point I was able to do over thirty pushups in a row and now I can barely squeak out five without feeling like I'm going to collapse, it's just sad.

I also decided to track my elliptical progress with a Couch 2 5k app - you know one that promises to get you off the couch and able to run sustained for a five k. Either way, it pushes me to complete my "run." It helps by telling me when to run—i.e. speed up in true girl-on-a-mission-at-the-gym fashion; you know the ones who have a high ponytail and are running like their very life depends on it. I like that the C25K app  gives me reminders to push my pace or slow down until I get to 30 minutes.

Trial 3: 

Thus far today I have yet to dial in to some television program or a video game. We shall see how I keep that up! 
Here's to hoping that today continues to be a success.I was surprised at how much more active I became by not immediately sitting down to watch something or play a video game when I got home. Instead, I put on some good music and did some cleaning, something I "never have time to do." If I am able to keep up being more present in the world, I expect I will also continue to move more, which may just get me to be a better person.

No surprise here, but I am on track. 109 days to go. Hopefully this enthusiasm and vigor will continue into day 2. If nothing else, day 1 brought with it a much cleaner home and only a slightly painful transition.

109 Days to Go.

- The Fat Man

Oh and feel free to comment if you feel the same way or if you, too, are starting some goals for yourself. I'll do my best to read all of the  comments and respond! 

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