Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 15 (of 110): Recovery

As crazy as the last few days have been, I have maintained my journey. 

I have continued to eat properly. Even on Sunday morning, hungover and with a broken finger—I continued to eat properly. I attended a friend's birthday brunch at a bougie east-side brunch place. Everything on the menu was weird meats or butter-infused breakfast items. But I was good, I had a salad and continued on with proper eating.

And yet, with the busted finger I was reluctant to do any exercise lest I injure it. Instead, I went and got an x-Ray and was placed into a giant cast that completely immobilized my entire hand.

Finally, today, I was able to see a specialist and get the giant cast removed. Now my exercise prospects are looking up but maybe not for another week or so. 

And I was unable to weight myself this morning, but I did weigh myself yesterday. I weighed 244 when I next checked, but I'm unsure if that really reflects what had happened over the week. So I will check again tomorrow

As I start to recover, I will continue to push forward and carry on with the plan. We'll see what happens during the next 95 days.

– The Fat Man

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