Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 13 and 14 (of 110): Sloppy Mistakes

So you may have said, where's my day 13 and 14? What's taking the Fat Man so long to write? Did he give up already?

Good and bad news. I did not give up but I did become a sloppy mess and make some incredibly bone-headed mistakes.

On Saturday night, I weighed myself to see what I was up against. 147.3 pounds. Almost a full week later and almost no weight loss. .7 lbs? Ugh. 

But it was good motivation. I hunkered down, ate a salad, and headed out to an event I was attending. I brought some gin with me so I could stay colorically light despite drinking. 

That was mistake number 1.

 I should not be drinking during this cleanse of mine. I only have 96 days to get everything together. Moreover, eating only light fair my stomach was not equipped to handle the influx of alcohol. Add to that the issues with the food at the event. 

I was not going to eat crap, so I ended up eating only the veggies I could and drinking at the open bar. Whoops.

Enter mistake number 2.

After getting sufficiently intoxicated that I was no longer making rational choices, I started handfisting cheese. Let me explain a little better. By this I mean taking handfuls of Swiss, Cheddar, and other cheeses (something that I would not be interested in normally as I don't even eat dairy), and stuffing them into my mouth. I'm not even sure I tasted the cheese. 

Finally, I made the move towards home and my body rejected the cheese and the alcohol. I'm not even sure how much cheese my body managed to digest.

And that leads to mistake number 3.

This was perhaps the biggest mistake of the night. I, unsurprisingly, fell on my way home and broke my finger in 2 different places.

Now while this is an inconvenience it would not normally be a big deal. However now I am on a position where I can't do the hundred push-up challenge or yoga, two huge mainstays in my 110-day plan. 

The worst part was with the break, getting X-rays and the cast, going to follow-up doctors, I have not exercised since Saturday's yoga.

We'll see what happens in the next 96 days.

– The Fat Man

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