Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 8 (of 110): The Week in Review

Day 8

248.0 lbs!

That's a full 5.3lbs. Over the past week I've not only lost 5.3 pounds, but I've gained the ability to lift myself off the ground, gained some small semblance of stamina allowing me to do the elliptical for 20 to 30 minutes. I've changed the way I've been eating. I haven't had anything sweet, any dairy, or any meat.

It's been a wild ride so far. I've fully detoxed—complete with a fevered, headache, achy, filled two days. I've come out the other side committed to this 110-day program.

But don't get me wrong. I'm still Fat!! I still sweat unnecessarily when I move, I still am out of breath at inappropriate times, and I still plagued by unsightly rolls off out surrounding my whole body. One week of eating right and exercising is not going to change that. The decisions and choices I've made that made me fat and have kept me that way are not going to change over night. 

I know that five pounds isn't that much, but to me it represents one week of hopefully many of hard work and it shows the beginnings of improvement. 

Now I begin the real push. It feels as if the urgency is off. It is possible to make a few bad choices: when presented with a new food I may say, "why can't I try it?", even though that food has something in it that will just restart the whole detox cycle causing me to have cravings and starting a whole backslide into a fatter me. 

This change is real, it is hard, and requires perseverance and dedication of the like that I have rarely been able to muster. Until I can change my body chemistry (in about 5 more weeks), I will still crave bad foods. Once my taste buds change, I will be better off and may find myself on a path I have never quite accomplished before. I look forward to that. 

Until then, here's to week 2 and 102 more days to go!

- The Fat Man

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