Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day 19 (of 110): Reboot

Day 19

Okay, it's the weekend and it's time for renewal. Failures over the last week: eating eat too many smoothies. Instead of making them and only drinking one cup worth, I end up drinking a whole pitcher and consuming enough calories to last the whole day. Another failure: letting my injury and work stand in the way of my exercise routine.

I'm lucky enough to own an elliptical. But I live in an apartment so every time I use it, I run the risk of pudding off my downstairs neighbor. To strike a truce, I agreed only to use it between 7:30am and 9pm. Which is fine but I'm often out of the house at work at those times. Doin push-ups and yoga has been slow because I didn't want to let my injury get in the way.

So here with only 91 days to go, I need to recommit. I want to drop another 3-5 pounds this week, so I'm going reinvest in the program even more heavily-nothing insppropriate. And heavy exercise base. 

Now that I know I have this binge-eating thing (or at least think I do), I'm going to do everything in my power to slow down when I eat. I'll also try to only eat with others. No eating in secret by myself. 

As of now, I continue to fail with this reconnecting/disconnecting thing. I want to disconnect from my devices and reconnect to the world, but TV.

So I have my work cut out for me this week. Let's see what kind of damage I can do! My goal: eat myself - fat removal at the highest level. 

- The Fat Man

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