Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 7 (of 110): Push up to the limit

Day 6

I know I predicted that my strength increase would feel incredible, but let me walk you through the transition. When I started the one hundred pushup challenge a mere six days ago, I was a fat lard-infested whale barely managing to get my torso off the ground by the strength in my arms. Today however, despite still looking like a hump-back whale, my arms managed to hold me up and sustain me for an extended period of time. I cannot begin to describe how wonderful this feels. Like two strong redwood trees, my arms braced the ground and were able to fully support my body weight. That first set of eight was like the easiest pushups I had ever done. I couldn't believe it. It was like I was doing pushups my whole life. And they were good-form pushups too! I mean my back was straight, I was able to raise and lower my body properly and I felt like I was actually doing what I was supposed to. It was an incredible feeling. The next four sets of nine were challenging until I finally could not complete the last set (I only made it to eight).

The rest of the program, the rest of my trials, are going well. I was not feverish. I did not have cravings. and I was not light-headed today. Instead, I was  I thought little about my digestion. And at the end of the day, that's exactly the way it should be. My digestion, my new lifestyle should get out of the way. I shouldn't be craving pizza, need a pick-me-up, or have any other interaction with food other than eat my lunch, enjoy it, and move on. And that is how the Fat Man sees it.

And with that, I'll say, today is one week and I am excited to see, to map, my progress. Only 103 more days until the big event, and twelve more days until I join society again and see how I feel. It is all very exciting.

- The Fat Man

As always feel free to share your thoughts/opinions in the comments.

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