Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 34: Unnecessary Roughness

So, I didn't make it.

I got home last night and just did not get to finish my yoga. Even so, I feel like half a yoga is better than no yoga at all. And yet, I feel like I'm letting my goal down. It's still only been 2 days of not working out total, but it still feels like a failure. Even so, I'm still very much on track to meet my goal at the end of the year.

Today I also was dragging. I was just not feeling it. I'm still suffering from a sleep deficit. And it's not cool. It's stopping me from eating contained portions, getting focused in my work, and getting my exercise done. I've been lethargic and tired all day. My brain was just not firing on all four cylinders.

Regardless, when I finally did my yoga in the evening, I was ready to take on the day. I felt energy flowing back into me and I felt more awake than I had been in days. So, my pitch. Stop being lazy and keep spinning those exercise wheels!

And that's the skinny. Here's to you being skinnier!

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