Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 49: Revising the system

As you may have noticed, something screwy happened with how I was numbering days? All of the sudden, the posts with the days were all out of order. I decided that the best way to keep track of the number of days that I have done is to keep a running tally of the number of days that I have been successful so that at the end of the year I can just see, did I make it to day 320? If so, I will have met my goal. Thus, when I miss a day, if I decide to post about it, it will be an unnumbered post.

Yesterday, I did not do yoga. I don't know what it was but I just did not have the energy. I decided against posting about it because I realized this blog had begun to yoyo. One day good, two days bad, one day extremely positive, ech. It was boring. I was bored, you must be bored reading it. Nobody wanted that and ain't no body got time for that. Instead, I decided to just keep you notified of the days that I am successful.

So, despite missing Friday, I am pleased to report that I am ready and reporting for yoga duty today. I left it until the end of the day, but I did it. This is a huge breakthrough for me. Usually when I do something, when I have a day off (like a diet for example), I just end up dropping it all together. But since this is a lifestyle change, I can't afford to do anything like that. And so, I was back at it tonight before heading out.

So for all you still keeping track of your goals, be proud of what you've accomplished and know you are not alone. I know how difficult it is to keep up with it, but don't let your failures define you. Instead, realize that you will have missed days and that is okay. The point is to get back on the proverbial horse and get back to work.

And with that, I shall post again tomorrow! 

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