Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 46: Regression Analysis

Is it possible that I'm getting less flexible the more yoga I do?

I'm back up and at 'em and ready to get up and start my week better. Yesterday was great. I was clear minded, alert, and I was taking care of business.

The only downside is I think my hamstrings are so tight that I've actually been doing worse yoga. I imagine it is from the cardio portions of the yoga now exercise. I think it will take me another week or so of no yoga now to ensure that my legs loosen up again and I get to the point where I am doing very comfortable downward dogs.

With that said, I'm pleased that the second day of my restructured February is going well. I will keep pushing and trying to keep this activity central and foremost in my mind!

Good luck to you on refocusing on your goals if that is something that you have attempted!

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