Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 11: The Unwanted-Needed

I apologize for yesterday's less than adequate post. I realized that in my attempts to form habits both in blogging and in moving more, there are going to be days where there is just no time for extended entries. At those times you will get a quick response from me where I undoubtedly detail my somewhat struggling state of mind. Hopefully, however, you did not even notice the absence.

I have been thinking. Any time I have tried to make something a habit there comes a time when I just do not want it as much as I used to. There comes a time when the desire to do that activity is diminished. Usually for me, this phenomenon happens when I have a day of relaxation. For example, I had half a day today, where I only needed to report to work for half the day. So last night I went out and saw a movie knowing I would just sleep in this morning. And I did that. But I noticed that when I woke up, everything was off. The careful routine that I have been diligent to maintain (where I wake up, do yoga, shower, eat breakfast) is completely ruined. Instead, I have my "lazy day" routine, where I wake up, eat, eat some more, watch television, shower and then get on with my day. You'll notice two things about the difference. In the lazy-day routine, I am hungrier, my eating schedule is messed up (instead of breakfast at 8-9ish) it comes at 9:30-11ish and it is double in size. Instead of exercise, I replace it with food and television. And I never get to exercise.

Today was one of those days. I woke up, ate, ate some more, watched television, showered, and went to work. My beautiful exercise routine was destroyed and I was hungrier than I was before that. It was only when I worked out again, something I did not even realize my body craved that I started to feel right again. I actually woke up for the first time (instead of that half awake, zombie-like awake) and realized that the exercise for me was an unwanted-need. It was something I did not want to do but desperately needed. To be honest, I was hungry before I decided to exercise. But instead of eating, I exercised and was significantly less hungry and more alert.

The lesson, for me, then was that I need to be more careful with my routines. If I had forced myself to exercise earlier, I would not have come close to missing my activity for the day and I likely would have been more productive overall for the rest of the day!

So as you struggle with your own goals realize two things: one, sometime you need to engage in the unwanted-need and just do it; two, you're almost at two full weeks! Two full weeks of sticking with something. By now you should be seeing the most modest results. Maybe you're not quite as out of breath while walking to your car (like me) or maybe you noticed that you can get your heel all the way to the ground at times during your downward facing dog (which I CAN!!!). These small gains should be reminders that you are doing incredibly well. You are smart, powerful, sexy, and strong. You are confident, funny, and kind. You are the king or queen of your domain and this next week will be even better than the last. Welcome to 2013, you're ringing in the New Year with style and you have a lot to be proud of. Great job sticking to your goals! (And if you have not and you have slipped don't let that define you. Instead, dust yourself back off and get back on the horse! And don't wait. Don't say, "I'll start again tomorrow" (or next week) because you NEVER will. Instead make the commitment to get back up right now! You can do this!)

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