Monday, January 28, 2013

Missed Day 1 (and 2)

And so here I am, dejected at my first missed day. You will notice, however, that I chose not to miss even a single day until I was sure that a habit was created! Unfortunately, missing a day, just made today's yoga even harder. It was like downward dog was a cobra striking at my exposed underbelly! Dang.

Anyway, I missed yesterday because I was forced to be out of the house and away from internet and life for the full day and when I got home that night, I was far too exhausted from the day's activities to attempt to do anything but sleep. You know what exhaustion where your head is pounding and you can't move an inch. So, I just went to sleep instead.

But I'm up and back at it again. Today was a little harder as I mentioned but I still have 27 days completed.

Oh well. Onwards and upwards!

Enjoy the day!

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