Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16: Free Flow

Perhaps one of the best motivation tools that I have discovered is telling everyone exactly what I'm doing.

In the past, I would keep these goals secret to myself so when I failed them, I would not have to answer any uncomfortable questions about how I failed to complete my goals.

But when you tell everyone who is willing to listen about your goals, you invite yourself to be critiqued and it acts as a motivating factor!

You realize that you need live up to the expectations set by yourself and the hype you have developed over creating your goals. Even better, you develop a fan club, of sorts, that is rooting for you to complete your goals.

Now that we are at day 16, I am confident I will reach Day 26 (the habit day) and be ready to face any other challenges in my quest to make it to 320 days of moving.

Today's exercise was fluid and easy. I am beginning to worry that I am not challenging myself enough because my heart rate rises, but does not consistently stay raised for the entire 20 minutes. I may have to consider revising which yoga I do or, at the very least, consider doing more of this this.

Keep on trucking! And consider sharing your goals with others so that you stay motivated as well!!

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