Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 8: As the creases fold

I still maintain that Power Yoga is vastly superior to Yoga Now in all ways except for sheer entertainment value, of which Yoga Now reigns supreme. Interestingly enough, I had a conversation with someone who independently did Yoga Now and we both picked up on how Rodney Yee and Mariel Hemingsway bash the crap out of Renee. It made for a very entertaining conversation all the way around.

Today, while attempting Power Yoga, I marveled at how my fat literally moved due to some intense stretches and I got thinking this has to be good for my body. Whereas, that back fat must have been stationary for literally years, moving it has lead to vastly different abilities to move.

When I noticed my creases fold I was attempting the bow pose, which is supposed to look like this:

Notice that in the correct bow pose the amount of arch in the back.

I did a search for "fat bow pose" and I found nothing. Literally all of the people seen doing the bow pose are skinny. See:

The only thing close to "Fat bow pose" that came even close was this:

The lesson: Fat people are not meant to do the Bow Pose!!

Here's why:

Notice on this doll that her fat midsection is protruding (as it is want to do), and that there is no arch to the back. In order to sustain an arch to the back, that fat literally has to go somewhere else. This is what I learned today. The fat around my back literally transported to another place, around my side. It was not painful per se, but it was disconcerting.

It makes me want to attempt to pose again and again to see if I learned anything.

Anyway, avoid the bow pose if your obese, at least for now!


On an unrelated note, my friend who knows that I am trying to move more sent me a youtube link to Billy Blanks's TaeBo Boot Camp.

Let's just say, that is in a whole different league. I know my movement goal calls for me to being moving around some more, but that Billy Blanks needs to relax. Wow. But for a good move around check it out. It is completely different from yoga. The one positive, is that I noticed some mediocre gains in my hamstring flexibility!

But my arm strength is significantly lacking as Billy Blanks was clear to point out. I only made it 11 minuntes into his 27 boot camp work out!

Oh well!

More for tomorrow.

As you leave and go about accomplishing your goals. Think about adding some spice into your goal. What can you do that is similar but a chance? Adding Taebo is sure a change for me and while I definitely did not complete it (yet!), it made me realize some of the small measures of progress I have made in yoga, especially with bending and holding! So while we normally would reflect on our progress towards the end of the week, take heed in the small indicators that you are making positive changes towards your goals.

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