Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 6: Back on Track

All right. Six days down, 359 to go!

Well that doesn't sound imposing.

On the more positive side, they (being those in the know) say that it only takes six to eight weeks of any new change to see results.

But that's also the problem. I've often started things at the beginning of the year, only to drop them later on. I rarely make it to the six to eight week mark. On the rare occasions when I have, however, I have been pleasantly surprised by the results.

For past diets, I've felt a better mental clarity, more energy, and even slimming around the waist. For workouts, I've seen increased strength and stamina.

But for some reason, I just can't put them together. I haven't been able to stare down a challenge and just say, "fin."

I feel like the first week is always the hardest, but we've made it to a week and that is something of which we should be proud. And yet, I feel like I have not been putting my best foot forward. While I have not been sneaking food, I have not been eating less. While, I have been eating healthier, I have been eating larger quantities. And when I just weighed myself, I managed to gain weight, instead of lose it.

I'm hoping that the increased exercise has also lead to increased muscle mass (although how much of that could I really be carrying around) and that is the reason for the weight gain. Either way, I'm staying with it. (I want that iPad mini 2!!).

Thank you all for bearing with my ramblings. To leave on a more positive note, I challenge you to remember a time when you have successfully completed something (however small) and how that has made you feel. For me, I once completed 8 weeks of the 100 Pushup Challenge. While I did not get to 100 pushups, I got to the point where I could do 45 in a row, and do multiple sets of 40. It was quite the achievement. I gained triceps, I gained strength and I felt great!

I know that we can accomplish our goals this year and I am excited to get to that point. While we look forward from here and see 359 more days, we also must face the reality that we've made it past some. Soon we will be able ot see that there are fewer days ahead than there are behind. And like so many wise people have said before us, it is not the goal that is important but the journey that gets us there. And so with that I leave you after another successful day. Good luck with your goals and may you have a very pleasant week!

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