Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3: rolling in a vat of pain

Day 3.

What up days 1 and 2? I see your back and spit on it! You've got nothing of substance to offer me! Boom!

Day 3 already feels like a mountain to climb. I woke up this morning with a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was something I have not felt for quite some time! Every time I rolled over I felt pain in muscles I wasn't even sure I still had!

I've felt lactic acid buildup but not usually so concentrated that it is too painful. My first thought? How would I work out when feeling like this. The answer, it turned out, was painfully.

I tried to delay the pain for as long as possible, figuring it would go away. It didn't.

Never fear. I persevered! Challenge 1: passed! Damn I'm good!

If I were to be really honest, I like that lactic acid pain because it reminds me that I have muscles in those places and it inspires me to keep going!

I've never worked out consistently enough to know if those with massive muscles feel that pain all the time or if they just feel massively powerful all the time. I doubt it. The little experience I do have suggests that the pain goes away unless you constantly ramp up the type of exercise you do!

Regardless, today's workout was even harder than yesterday. I did Rodney Yee's Yoga Burn, which, like it sounds, burns heavily! I'm not sure exactly what I was thinking, considering that this workout is meant to be intermediate yoga. In fact the description says "master those yoga poses with a rigorous burning sensation that will course through your body."

Anyway, unsurprisingly, I only made it through 13 minutes of tit before I had to turn to my much easier AM yoga routine:

Regardless, combined, the two routines met my twenty minute requirement! I'm hoping in a few weeks I will be able to do both routines without stopping. Then j can begin to work on form.

The even better news is that I only have to do 58 more days of yoga to lock in the largest memory 64gb internal storage on my iPad mini 2 that I will get when I complete my goal!

Okay, time for today's affirmation of tr day.

Despite the fact that my head is small when compared to my massive body, and that my rolls number more than the local bakery, I am making progress towards my New Year's Resolution to move more I know if I accomplish my goal I will be powerful beyond measure! I will be successful in all that I undertake, and I will prove my body wrong!! It will no longer be controlled by urges to eat more and more, but will be lean, svelte, and strong! I believe in myself, my goals, and my ability to accomplish both.

From me to you. Keep working on your goals!

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